Living with Turmoil


It has really struck me this week that many people are feeling hopeless with current events or are struggling with the their own personal challenges, be they financial, emotional or physical.

I asked my FEMFITLIFE COMMUNITY this week, what they thought was the main reason people fail to succeed with their fitness goals? Among the answers was Rebecca’s.

She told me that staying consistent was a problem for her. The issue being that as soon as she commenced a new fitness goal, something would happen and she would stop.

Tell me this hasn’t happened to you a thousand times! Perhaps it happened to you during COVID1-19. Did your fitness goals stop because the gym shut?

So how do we ensure we are able to achieve our fitness goals, even when life is doing everything it can to stop you in your tracks?

Well, we can’t just sit around every time something presents itself and wait for it to go away or for our circumstances to be different, before trying again.

What you need to do is have a GOAL, have a PLAN A & B then take ACTION.

Your GOAL should be 50% achievable. Too easy and you won’t take it seriously enough and be all too happy to throw it to the way side. Too big and it will be impossible to achieve. Research shows that if our goals are too easy and we always succeed, there is no excitement and achievement, therefore we have little drive to stick to them when times get tough. Too hard and we fail constantly and we become disheartened. So give yourself a 50% chance and see yourself become more invested.

You need to know that having a PLAN that accurately describes the outcome and the steps out the milestones to getting there are essential. As too is having a PLAN B. Anticipating problems and finding solutions to them before they arise, are the critical skills required for staying on track when life throws you a curve ball.

So how to you put your plan into action? Firstly you need to have HOPE and BELIEVE in yourself.

The beginning of your journey will always be exciting and the end will always be a celebration of your success. It’s the middle part of your journey that needs the most FOCUS and DETERMINATION. You will need to seek SUPPORT and acquire NEW SKILLS that will help you to adopt and maintain new habits. You will also need to VISUALISE yourself getting through each tough time as it arises.

These are the times you will LEARN. Learn new coping strategies, new ways of continuing, finding a new direction around obstacles. You will then use these lessons to help you through the next challenge and the next.

You’ve got this!