Try This Two-Minute Consistency Hack

Can we all agree that trying to be perfect is exhausting?

One of the biggest myths out there is that you need to get everything right to make progress. You know how it goes…

You miss a workout or indulge a little too much, and suddenly it feels like you’ve blown it. So you think, "Why bother?" and give up completely.

Sound familiar?

But here’s the thing: True success isn’t about being perfect — it’s about being consistent, even when life isn’t ideal.

You’ve got two options:

  1. Go all out for one “perfect” week of workouts and meal prep, then burn out and do nothing for the next three.


  2. Show up at 80% (or more!) every week for months, even when life throws curveballs your way.

Which do you think gets better results?

Spoiler alert: It’s the second one.

Here are two simple but powerful ways to rewire your mindset for consistency:

1️⃣ Celebrate “Non-Zero” Days

The idea here is that any effort is better than no effort. Walk for 10 minutes? Do a few push-ups? Add some veggies to dinner? That’s a win. The goal is to avoid having a day where you do nothing for your goals.

Coach’s Tip: Some of my clients have a "Non-Zero Jar," where they drop in a coin every time they do something for their health, no matter how small. Those little wins add up fast!

2️⃣ Use the 2-Minute Rule

On those days when motivation is running on empty, commit to just two minutes. That’s it! You’ll often find it’s enough to get you started, and once you do, you’ll want to keep going. And even if you stop at two minutes, guess what? You’ve kept the habit alive.

Coach’s Insight: One of my clients applies this to meal prep. She tells herself she’ll chop veggies for two minutes. Most of the time, she ends up prepping the entire meal!

Perfection will get you stuck. But consistency? That’ll keep you moving forward.

It’s not about being perfect, it’s about showing up, again and again.

Here’s to progress, not perfection.

Kylie PapazoglouComment