Either Or Thinking
Either Or Thinking is a mindset pattern that so many of us get caught up in without even realizing it!
Mindset plays a huge role in your overall health and wellness. It can set you up for success … or it can make it harder to reach the goals you’ve set.
Have you ever said to yourself, “I’ll start on Monday?” when it comes to what you eat, your workouts, or other healthy habits?
Or, maybe even, “I’ll wait until after the holidays are over”?
This is called: EITHER-OR thinking.
Either you’re ALL IN, or you’re ALL OUT.
Or maybe you call it “BEING GOOD” or “BEING BAD.”
On a positive note, when you’re all-in, you might feel like you’re making a ton of progress.
But being ALL IN or “GOOD” 24/7, 7 days a week is almost impossible to maintain … plus it’s a LOT of pressure to live up to.
And so when something happens; like you miss a workout or you eat something you swore you wouldn’t; it can completely throw you off-track, and you end up in the “OR” part of EITHER-OR …
Which means you completely abandon all your healthy habits.
And just like that ... you’re ALL-OUT.
There’s a MUCH BETTER WAY … which is all about finding that sweet spot, your middle ground!
That’s when you do your best to cover your healthy bases in a way that works with your lifestyle … WHILE ALSO giving yourself some leeway to enjoy your favourites.
Which is especially important this time of year!
Here are some examples of middle ground I’m talking about:
What if you switched out your workouts so they fit your holiday schedule, vs. switching your schedule completely to accommodate your workouts. This could be squeezing in a few high-intensity workouts a week, or going for a jog with your family.
What if you gave yourself permission to enjoy your favourite Christmas treats, savouring every bite? And left the ones you don’t absolutely love on the buffet?
What if you made sleep a priority because being well-rested helps you get the most out of each day – and it also helps with your mood, your appetite, and immune system?
Basically, this approach involves focusing on things that ADD VALUE to your life … without leaving you feeling deprived.
Willing to give this a try?
In my online coaching membership, I work with my clients to help them find what works for them by creating goals that help them feel empowered vs deprived. If you want to learn more, check out my coaching options on this website.