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Helping postpartum Mamas safely restore, retrain and return to doing the physical activity they love, post pregnancy!

When you work with a Women’s Health Fitness Coach, you’ll be empowered with education about your postpartum body, without becoming overwhelmed by all the misinformation that is commonly shared on social media.

I only take on a limited number of Mamas online at one time, so if you would like to secure your place but you are still waiting for your baby to arrive, sign up now, and complete the program when you are ready.


Have you just had a baby?

Do you want to safely return to physical exercise but not sure how to do it without hurting yourself?

A Women’s Health Fitness Coach can help you! 

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When you choose a comprehensive, evidence-based, customised online fitness program for postpartum Mamas, coached by a Women’s Health Fitness Coach, you’ll...


Receive customised fitness programming that meets you where you are at in your postpartum journey

Personalised, structured, periodised programming, using foundational movement pattern progressions to help you restore and retrain your body safely and effectively, after pregnancy.

Get support when it is needed most, because trying to be active whilst dealing with a new baby can feel overwhelming

A Women’s Health Fitness Coach takes the confusion out of returning to fitness be providing you with customised and safe return to fitness workout plans. Once less thing for you to have to think about!

Get back to basics and learn about your deep core stability system.

Learn practical tips for bringing awareness to your core and pelvic floor function, beyond just being told the usual information about preventing pelvic floor dysfunctions like Stress Urinary Incontinence. This will enhance your fitness training for life.

Build confidence and learn strategies to take care of your physical and mental health daily

Guiding the postpartum Mama by providing daily emails that provide her with information and teach her strategies to nurture her body and her mind in the first days, weeks and months of recovery.

Receive evidence based and the most up to date postnatal information for an empowered recovery

A Women’s Health Fitness Coach does not believe that just because she is a mom herself, that she knows all there is to know about returning to fitness post pregnancy. She has studied, researched and become certified to specialise in pregnancy and post-natal fitness. You’re in safe hands.

Learn simple strategies to make eating healthy a part of your daily routine

Coaching you in how to implement some basic healthy nutritional habits to make eating healthy part of your daily life. Evidenced based and up to date, healthy eating guidelines will be provided in a timely manner so as not to overwhelm you all at once.


See why these Mamas consider the FEMFITMAMA Program, a gold standard for post pregnancy fitness training…

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Mary Cantrill - Mama to Declan & Maya

After having my first bub 2.5 years ago via emergency caesarean, I really had no clue what I should or shouldn’t be doing. I never saw a women’s health physio and didn’t follow any real program to get back to fitness, I kind of just dove right in and let my body cop it! Now I’m currently 6 months postpartum with baby no. 2 and feeling so much more confident that my body is actually being looked after, Thanks to you! You have a wealth of knowledge. Learning about proper pelvic floor activation and how to reduce abdominal separation has been invaluable and I know so many mamas who think that the best way to get rid of their ‘mum tum’ is to crunch it away or jump straight into sit ups and push ups. You’ve given us busy mamas one less thing to worry about! Thank you!!!

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Sarah Renee Smith - Mama and CrossFit Coach

The last time I recovered postpartum, I totally left out these accessory movements and went straight to full on functional training. This is a much better process for sure. Just having done the open book movement after one day, I was more conscious of my posture while breastfeeding. Even though last time I still did progressions from easy to harder/heavier/more complex movements, I didn’t have a plan of attack. I just winged it and improvised based on what the class was doing that day. So I scaled movements and weights. Slowed it down. But it wasn’t a plan. As a fitness Coach myself, not having to make a fitness plan for myself it is even better!! I’m a firm believer that even coaches need coaches!

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Allison Cole - Mama and Photographer/Business Owner

I had my daughter almost 7 months ago via a C-section and I wasn’t sure how my recovery was going to go. I reached out to Kylie about her FEMFITMAMA Program because I had been following her and trusted she knew her stuff. I started the program 12 weeks after my daughter was born. I’m able to move more freely now, I’m stronger, my mindset is so positive. It’s also allowed me to get back into things I love, like dance and Pole, without the worry of damaging my pelvic floor health. I can not thank Kylie enough for putting this program together. I truly think more women should be educated on their pelvic floor health before returning to exercise after birth or any other long period off of exercise.

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Kat Nour - Mama and Captain in Signals Corp, Australian Army

I’ve been in the Army for 7 years and had my first baby about 9 months ago. Pregnancy was not kind to me. I put on about 30kg and lost all my work fitness. I’ve been training with Kylie Papazoglou and doing the FEMFITMAMA program for about 4 months now and I feel amazing about my progress.

I also have to pass my ADF fitness test to go back from maternity leave in 3 months time and I am confident I will do it with Kylie. Her programs are so good, realistic and results oriented. I have lost 15kg and gone from literally none to about 8 good push ups and my running has improved so much too.


Attention Mamas!

Discover how this CrossFit Mama of two boys, with pelvic floor dysfunction, a weak core and discomfort from a C-section scar, used the FEMFITMAMA program to get herself back to lifting heavy and getting sweaty, by using the proven RESTORE to RETRAIN PROTOCOL.

Now all new Mamas I coach are raving about this method of returning to fitness postpartum!

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After giving birth, many Mamas struggle with their new postpartum bodies, mind, emotions, hormones and new demands on their time with a new born!

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Mamas are dealing with a lot but exercise can help her:

  • feel stronger physically, mentally and emotionally

  • heal from pregnancy and the birth

  • feel more confident in her body again

  • get back into a normal routine

This is where FEMFITMAMA can help!

Some common postpartum issues include:

  • Feeling weak in their vagina and core muscles

  • Coping with the aesthetics of tummy separation

  • Feeling pain in their pelvis

  • Still looking semi pregnant

  • Wanting to lose their pregnancy belly

  • Feeling tired from lack of sleep

  • Dealing with the “baby blues”


Does this sound familiar?

Sarah was eager to return to exercise to lose weight and feel fit again!

Sarah was used to doing lots of physical activity pre pregnancy, so getting back to the CrossFit Box she owns with her husband, was high on her priority list.

Sarah wanted to get back to CrossFit and feel strong and active again!

However, Sarah told me she had lost her confidence because she had actually jumped right back into intense exercise after the birth of her first baby and had hurt herself. Also, this time she felt weaker in her core and vagina, with mild prolapse symptoms and some pain and discomfort from her C-section scar.

This is an all too familiar scenerio!

On top of this, Sarah was having a hard time trying to carve out some time for herself with the demands of a new baby and a toddler.

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I wanted Sarah to feel capable, strong and confident in her body again, without feeling the pressure to jump straight back into intense exercise she was used to…

Photo: Postpartum Client, Sarah Renee Smith

Photo: Postpartum Client, Sarah Renee Smith

We worked through the importance of prioritising rest and recovery and when Sarah felt energised enough and had some time for herself, we introduced exercises to help her “restore” the functionality of her core and pelvic floor muscles. 

We worked out new ways for her to fit in small chunks of physical activity that allowed her to get back to moving her body again around the demands of her little ones.

We began “retraining” with “Foundational Movement Patterns” once we were confident Sarah was recovering well and had the energy to progress, to help her build a solid fitness base that she would need to be able to return to CrossFit. 

These are proven tools I’ve been using with all of my postpartum clients, giving them confidence in their bodies and an education about fitness that lasts a lifetime.


As we work through the FEMFITMAMA Program, together we determine what your physical needs are and what other wellbeing coaching will support you to succeed.

 Photo: Postpartum Client, Kylie Arnel

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Too often, Mamas are given the big ole thumbs up to resume normal physical activity without any discussion about her pelvic floor or core health.

Photo: Postpartum Client, Elise Knowles

Photo: Postpartum Client, Elise Knowles

FEMFITMAMA is designed to take the confusion and anxiety out of returning to fitness postpartum, by incorporating safe return to exercise strategies and methods that you won’t necessarily learn trying to return to exercise on your own.

FEMFITMAMA uses my “Restore to Retrain Protocol” to help you restore your function post pregnancy, educating you on how to retrain your core and floor muscles, and utilizing “Foundational Movement Patterns” to help you return to doing the physical activity you love.

FEMFITMAMA guides you through fun and effective workouts that help you to build a solid base of fitness, safely transitioning you back to more intense exercise, whilst ensuring you remain pain free and avoid pelvic floor dysfunction.

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Mamas need all the SUPPORT they can get in the early days of their post-partum fitness journey, regardless of whether they are looking to lose weight or just gain back their fitness.
— Coach Kylie

There are many done for you, post pregnancy fitness programs on the market. Sure, you can try to find a self-paced program or follow along with random workouts online. But what’s important to take into consideration is that many of the done for you programs and free workouts aren’t designed for your specific needs. They have been designed for someone else. Not to mention that postpartum recovery and pelvic health aren’t taught in any mainstream fitness certifications.

When your body is recovering from birth, your muscles and tendons remain weak for a while. It pays to remember that your body needs time to fully “restore” or you could risk injury to joints or pelvic floor dysfunction. It is vital that you learn how to “restore” your pelvic floor and deep core muscles first, to assist with healing. It is also crucial to know how to intelligently “progress” the “Foundational Movement Patterns” to regain or maintain your movement quality and strength whilst retraining post pregnancy.


You want a certified Women’s Health Fitness Coach who is committed to continually upskilling and ensuring her programs are designed around the latest evidence based information and industry standards.
— Coach Kylie
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Mama, when you work with a Women’s Health Fitness Coach you will be empowered with education about your postpartum body, without becoming overwhelmed by all the misinformation that is commonly shared on social media.
— Coach Kylie

You need a certified Women's Health Fitness Coach who has almost 10 years experience in fitness and is qualified to coach postnatal women. I am also a mother, so I totally empathise with the demands Mamas face when trying to fit in exercise with a busy family and work life schedule.

The “Restore to Retrain Protocol” I use in my FEMFITMAMA program, will support your whole body as you transition back into exercise post-pregnancy.

You will also be introduced to my “Foundational Movement Progression Method” which will help you set a good foundation of quality movement and strength for injury free training for years to come.

Both of these are invaluable training tools that will help you to gently strengthen your pelvic floor and core in coordination with foundational movement patterns and their progressions.


Whether you are new to strength training or a seasoned athlete, it is important to prioritise foundational movement patterns when restoring and retraining your body.
— Coach Kylie
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Introducing FEMFITMAMA

FEMFITMAMA is an online customised fitness program that meets you where you’re at today in your postpartum journey. Together we will map out the best training path for you, your goals and training needs.

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Core and Floor 101

You will learn practical tips for bringing awareness to your core and pelvic floor function, beyond just being told the usual information about preventing pelvic floor dysfunctions like Stress Urinary Incontinence (otherwise known as peeing when you’re not intending to when you laugh, sneeze, cough, or mid-workout. This will carry over into all of your training.


Self Care Practices

Taking care of yourself during the early postpartum months can be tough. You will learn the top four priorities you need to be focusing on for your self care during the early months after giving birth. You will also discover ways to incorporate daily movement in a way that benefits your physical and mental health during this time, not make you more exhausted and frustrated.


Empowered Recovery

Following the birth and delivery of your baby, there are physical and mental health check-ups and ongoing assessments you need to be aware of, beyond the usual "6-week check-up" with your Doctor or Obstetrician. This program provides you with detailed steps to take, to help you stay informed and empowered and know where to turn to for help when needed.


Customised Workouts

We are going to tackle your fitness and pelvic floor needs with RESTORE to RETRAIN core and floor workouts, full body strength training and mobility work. The FEMFITMAMA program will guide you through fun and effective workouts to build a solid base of fitness and safely transition you back to more intense exercise, whilst ensuring you remain pain free and avoid pelvic floor dysfunction.


Nutrition Essentials

Taking care of yourself during this time also means taking care of a tiny human. It is important for you to feel healthy and the energy required to get you through. From sleepless nights and breastfeeding, to being able to enjoy some physical activity during the day. You are going to learn simple strategies to make eating healthy a part of your daily routine, by implementing some basic healthy habits.

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Support & Accountability

  1. Regular digestible emails to help guide and support you on your fitness journey.

  2. Direct access to your coach through email and your Fitness Training Application.

  3. Dedicated Facebook group to encourage and motivate you with posts and weekly live Q&As.

  4. Weekly check ins with your coach to help you stay accountable and discuss your progress. 

I’m a Women’s Health Fitness Coach who wants to help women THRIVE! Helping women to build their confidence and get FIT, FUNCTIONAL & FULFILLED within their own body.
— Coach Kylie
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Photo: Coach Kylie with her husband Vagelli and children, Nicholas (2.5), Michael (21), and Allison (25)

Photo: Coach Kylie with her husband Vagelli and children, Nicholas (2.5), Michael (21), and Allison (25)

I’m Coach Kylie & I’m here to help you...

My health and fitness journey has been a roller coaster ride as I'm sure many women have been through themselves. It was my journey and witnessing the struggles that many women face, that inspired me to become a Women's Health Fitness Coach.

I’m not the Personal Trainer that started with an athletic background and naturally moved into the fitness industry. I began my journey as an overweight young mum who set out to lose weight after the birth of her second baby. Like many new mums, exercise wasn’t something I had thought much about until I started gaining weight after pregnancy. 

However, the realisation that I had to do something was when I could not get in and out of the family car without huffing and puffing and the thought of walking the 500 metres to the local shopping centre was daunting for me. At a young age, inexperienced, a mother of two young children, with no idea of how to eat well and move my body.

It wasn’t until I added in some physical activity and consistently changed my eating habits and mindset, that I was more successful in losing the unwanted kilos.
— Coach Kylie

From unhealthy and overweight to Latin Dance & Zumba Instructor…


Once I learned that I needed to enjoy the physical activity I was doing, it became much easier to adhere to it regularly. I also learned that the right education, guidance and support around eating and moving my body were definite requirements for achieving my weight loss goals.

I went onto joining local dance groups and quickly fell in love with how my body felt when I was moving it. I had been able to adopt a new lifestyle, enjoying the way exercise made me feel, from having more energy to feeling strong and fit in my body.

In 2003 I started teaching for local dance schools. Then in 2005, I started my own dance school called 4 The Love of Dance, where for 10 years I taught kids and adults to dance and keep fit. With a new found love of dancing and a body that now preferred to be moving constantly, unlike the sedentary one I used to have, I soon discovered other forms of physical activity that I enjoyed. 

I found Zumba Fitness and I was soon addicted. I quickly became a certified Zumba Fitness Instructor and added Zumba Fitness to the program within my own dance school.

Photo: Coach Kylie and Zumba Instructor Michelle with their Zumba class attendees

Photo: Coach Kylie and Zumba Instructor Michelle with their Zumba class attendees

Once I hired the right coach who educated, guided and supported me, I discovered that strength training not only improved my appearance, it helped me to crush my cardio workouts by making me faster and able to go for longer.
— Coach Kylie
Photo: Coach Kylie before and after 40kg weight loss journey

Photo: Coach Kylie before and after 40kg weight loss journey

Something I hadn’t bargained on, was the positive impact strength training had on my mental health. Ladies, don’t be afraid to lift some heavy weights.

I had been doing cardio, cardio and more cardio which really helped me to lose a lot of weight but something was missing. I felt cardiovascular fit but I had no muscular endurance, strength or muscle definition.

Whilst I was teaching group fitness at my local gym, I became curious about the area in the gym with all the heavy weights. It looked intimidating to me but also like a lot of fun. I asked a friend to show me around and that’s how I was introduced to strength training..

I used to be ‘that woman’ that thought by lifting weights I would end up looking beefy and bulky. What I actually discovered was that strength training helped me to feel confident, strong and independent. It helped me to fight off Osteoporosis and improved my lower back pain.

I went from being overweight and sedentary to doing structured exercise and loving moving my body in all different ways.
— Coach Kylie

My focus was firmly on what exercise program and what diet would get me the greatest fitness gains and the biggest weight loss for my body.

Having come from being overweight and sedentary, I had it in my head that if I slowed down or increased my calories, I would gain all that weight back and get lazy again.

For me, losing weight and being fit used to begin and end with extreme exercise and dieting. 

This worked well for me in the short term and I got into really good shape, but this approach also translated into me struggling with fluctuating weight gain and loss, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, injury and depression. I would have become a train wreck. This was a huge learning curve for me and it made me reassess.

Photo: Coach Kylie’s weight loss and post pregnancy journey

Photo: Coach Kylie’s weight loss and post pregnancy journey

Women’s Health Fitness Coaches

Coach Kylie Papazoglou FEMFITLIFE

Coach Kylie Papazoglou FEMFITLIFE

Coach Marnie Scobie Marnie Clare Fitness

Coach Marnie Scobie
Marnie Clare Fitness

Coach Terrell Baldock The Barbell Balance

Coach Terrell Baldock
The Barbell Balance


With the help of these amazing Women’s Health Fitness Coaches, my mentors and colleagues in the Fitness Industry; Marnie Scobie of Marnie Clare Fitness and Prolapse Fitness Coach, Terrell Baldock from The Barbell Balance, I learned that exercise and a healthy diet should just be a part of a more holistic approach to fitness. As a client of a Women’s Health Fitness Coach, with this philosophy around health and fitness, you will be given the tools required to help you develop a better overall healthy lifestyle.

  • Effective, fun and safe fitness training programs

  • Balanced nutritional essentials

  • Methods of incorporating self care

  • Empowerment through support, guidance and education

I decided to pursue my dream of helping women to become fit, functional and fulfilled!

I was pretty fed up with the BS that women were being fed by companies that only wanted to profit of off women’s insecurities. I thought it was time to be the change, to provide a fresh approach to personal training. I wanted to help women to accept and nurture their bodies whilst giving them the coaching and care that they deserved and needed.

After 15 years of working in the Northern Territory Department of Health, in a job I was no longer enjoying, I decided I needed to narrow my focus and realised that I had experience and expertise that could help other women, just like myself, to become fit, functional and more fulfilled in life.

I realised that the fitness industry was underserving women just like me. I wanted women to learn they could get fit and healthy without getting stressed out about food, without spending hours in the gym punishing their bodies every day and without hating themselves because they don’t fit some perceived ideal of what they should or shouldn’t look like.

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A big part of FEMFITLIFE and my programs like FEMFITMAMA is about empowering women with body positive, evidence based health and fitness coaching as they navigate their journey to a more fit and healthy version of themselves.
— Coach Kylie

I thought I would bounce back and get my “body back” postpartum.

In my early 40’s I went through a pretty rough pregnancy and postpartum recovery. After a miscarriage and failed IVF cycle, I fell pregnant naturally. I was excited because I was now the healthiest, fittest and strongest physically and mentally I had ever been. Unfortunately, I ended up with Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG), a pregnancy complication characterised by severe nausea, vomiting and dehydration that lasted my entire pregnancy and saw me practically bed ridden.

To top that off I developed Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, that causes discomfort in the pelvic region, in my case the very centre of my pelvis felt like it was splitting in two. This can happen during and after Pregnancy when pelvic joints become stiff or move unevenly. It can occur both at the front and back of your pelvis.

But it was Pelvic Organ Prolapse that completely changed everything for me. With a diagnosis of a grade 3 cystocele (bladder), a grade 2 rectocele (bottom), and a grade 2 uterine prolapse after I had my baby, I felt like my heavy lifting days were over.  This diagnosis floored me, not only as a woman, still only in her 40s, but as a Personal Trainer. But out of adversity came the opportunity to make a difference in the Women’s Health Fitness Space and this changed the way I approached coaching women.

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Specialised Fitness Certifications teach Coaches to have the understanding, empathy, skills and experience to work with MAMAS, to help them to restore and retrain their bodies postpartum.
— Coach Kylie, Certified Pre-& Postnatal Fitness Coach (CPPC)
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Terrell Baldock taught me her Training for Lady Parts Method that I use with all my clients today!

I initially rehabilitated with a Women’s Health Physiotherapist who taught me how to breathe, do Kegels properly, and eased me back into moving my body gently once I had a pessary in place. She was so understanding and empathetic. 

However, what I discovered was that there were no personal trainers in my local area that specialized in training the postpartum athlete, most used conservative approaches that had Mamas forever locked in the cycle of doing glute bridges and Kegels.

Then I found my Prolapse Coach, Terrell Baldock in Canada, and initially did her online Strength and Lady Parts program. Then I began working one on one with her as a Founding Member of her Online 60 Day Body Revitalisation Program. 

We blended rehabilitative tips and cues with challenging, high-intensity training. She taught me the Training for Lady Parts Method I now use in all my fitness training programs, and I learned how to engage my core and support my pelvic floor during technical lifts. She taught me how to release tension and gave me progressions (scaled versions) of the exercises, which gave me the confidence to train again.

My postpartum fitness journey highlighted to me that there is a shortage of personal trainers within the Fitness Industry, with the understanding, empathy, skills and experience to work with Mamas, to help them to RESTORE and RETRAIN their bodies postpartum.

That is what drove me to become the Women’s Health Fitness Coach that could make a difference to women’s health and fitness journeys.

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FEMFITMAMA is non-judgmental and promotes the idea that self care and self acceptance are the keys to becoming fulfilled in life. 

FEMFITMAMA encourages self acceptance whilst still wanting to better yourself physically and mentally at what ever stage of life you are at.

FEMFITMAMA educates, supports and guides Mamas to become fit, functional and fulfilled in life.

FEMFITMAMA recognises all Mamas! Regardless of your shape, size, age, religion, sexual orientation, education or ethnicity, we will tap into your uniqueness and your strengths, to ensure your program fits you and your needs.

FEMFIMAMA guides you with holistic approaches to health and fitness. You will receive up to date, evidence based education around exercise, nutrition and healthy lifestyle habits.

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Kylie kept in contact with me providing support, motivation and understanding of the challenges that Mums face having a new-born and dealing with the emotions that come with the fourth trimester…

I started with Coach Kylie with very little experience, training and fitness. I was 4 months pregnant, I wanted to get fit and stay healthy during my pregnancy while in a safe environment with someone I could trust. Kylie provided me confidence with my body to complete exercises that would prepare me for the arrival of my baby and labour. There were times during the pregnancy where I didn’t feel up to training (and even fainted!!) however Kylie was always there to assist me with my fitness goals and recommendations with the health of my mind, body and growing baby bump.

Unfortunately, I had a long and difficult labour that resulted in taking a break from training to allow my body to repair to avoid any long-term side effects. During this time Kylie kept in contact with me providing support, motivation and understanding of the challenges that Mums face having a newborn and dealing with the emotions that come with the fourth trimester. Having a Coach that has gone through these experiences as a mother herself, Kylie could relate to the sleepless nights and post body changes.  

I am now back in training post pregnancy and loving it. My little man attends our PT sessions so Kylie gets lots of cuddles while I can train in a relax, social environment while getting fit and having fun at the same time. I am motivated and confident with my training; this wouldn’t be possible without the amazing support that Coach Kylie provides in her one-on-one sessions.

Coach Kylie is not just my personal trainer but a friend that I am grateful to have in my life!! 



In understanding that postpartum recovery can take time and can present some challenges both physically and mentally, I’ve included 3 BONUS GIFTS valued at $120, for you to take advantage of, in the hope this will make life a little easier for you!


Healthy Lifestyle Habit Coaching ($47 value)

From sleepless nights and breastfeeding, to being able to enjoy some physical activity during the day. You are going to want simple strategies to make eating healthy a part of your daily routine, by implementing some basic healthy habits.

I don’t ask you to calorie or macro count on the FEMFITMAMA Program, however your Training App does allow you to track what you eat and drink. A food diary is a useful tool if you are looking to improve your eating habits. It can help you and your Coach to understand your eating habits and patterns, and help you to identify the foods you eat on a regular basis.

This 4-week healthy lifestyle plan is designed to help Mamas create LIFELONG HABITS that will be the foundation of their healthy lifestyle for years to come...

And this is not just the workout available on my website for $47 that you read and do yourself. With FEMFITMAMA, you get 1-on-1 guidance along with this workbook in our constant communication and in our weekly online coaching check-ins, including habit tracking for accountability.

Mindfulness for Mamas ($47 value)

Mindfulness may seem like a trendy buzzword ... but it’s actually a concept that has been around for thousands of years.

Think of it as a superpower that can make everything else BETTER

In this workbook, we’ll explore what mindfulness is (and isn’t) … and do some fun and unique exercises to create more of those magic moments in your life!

Being a more mindful Mama can help you set more meaningful goals, and help fuel you toward reaching them.

At FEMFITLIFE, I know just how important that is for a Mama’s health and happiness,

Along with your customised FEMFITMAMA coaching, this workbook will be a handy resource for your selfcare at a time in your life when you need it the most.


Clean It Up Checklist ($27 value)

Bringing a new-born into the home is such an exciting time, but you may also feel like your home should be thoroughly cleaned out of anxiety of anything effecting your little ones immune system during this fragile time in their life.

However too much exposure to heavy-duty cleaners and chemicals in our homes, can overload your body’s defences, making you and your family vulnerable to chronic illnesses like asthma, and even type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

So I am gifting you this Clean It Up Checklist to help you become more aware of the toxins that may exist in your household, with ideas for cleaning your home up!

30-Day, Money-Back, No-Risk Guarantee

Here’s my promise to you Mama!

You can try my FEMFITMAMA 60-Day online post pregnancy fitness program for 30 days.

If you’re not satisfied for any reason just let me know, and I’ll make it right. Guaranteed.

If you’re not happy with my coaching or the program in general, you can email me with the reason for your dissatisfaction and I’ll give you your money back, so there's no risk to you.

The FAQs

How much does FEMFITMAMA cost?

Online only is $530.00 AUD (coupon codes apply)

How long does the program go for

The program is for 60 days with the no obligation option to move to a monthly membership after.

Is there a money back guarantee?

Try the FEMFITMAMA Post Pregnancy Fitness Program for 30 Days. If you’re not happy with my program, you can email me with the reason for your dissatisfaction and I’ll give you your money back. I am so confident that my FEMFITMAMA program will help you to return safely and effectively to exercise post pregnancy, that I’m willing to back myself with a 30-day risk-free money back guarantee. There’s literally ZERO RISK to you!

Can I do this program from anywhere in the world?

Yes, this is an online program, so as as soon as you register and purchase the program, you’ll receive an email from me with a link to a dedicated Fitness Training App with your coaching,onboarding materials, coaching PDFs and video, workouts with written and video descriptions, weekly check ins via email and a weekly LIVE Facebook coaching session. So YES, you can get started right away!

What kind of program is it?

A fully customised, online post pregnancy fitness training program that meets you where you are at in your journey. Whether you are newly postpartum or have been postpartum for 12 months, I will work with you to help you safely transition back to a full fitness routine.

What kind of workouts are included?

Postpartum restore and retraing of your core and floor, retraining of founational movement patterns and active recovery methods. After you have completed the foundational training, I work with you to return to fintess and help you to build a fit and functional body.

What kind of support do you receive?

As your Coach I use my knowledge, experience and skills to help my clients bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be.

I work closely with you to bring clarity into your situation, help you set goals and align them with your values, desires, needs and priorities.

I work with you to determine realistic, actionable steps you can take to achieve your health and fitness goals, through encouragement and helping you to troubleshoot along the way.

As your Coach I continually educate you on the foundations of exercise, nutrition, female anatomy and the psychology of well-being.

You will be guided (not forced) to make long-term sustainable lifestyle changes and empowered to make decisions that align with you, not me.

You'll be invited to join a Members Only Facebook Group where I post daily for inspiration and motivation and I host a weekly LIVE coaching session.

You will complete a weekly Check-in Form which will provide me with the feedback I need to help you progress through your program.

You can email me anytime and I will respond to emails within 24-48 business hours.

The FEMFITLIFE Training App also has a messaging feature for messaging between client and coach anytime of the day or night. I check the Training App messages once a day as a minimum but usually you'll get me during business hours.

Do you offer nutritional support?

Yes, I offer support with nutrition. I am a habit-based coach, which means I don’t give you a meal plan, but I will coach you about nutrtion essentials, to guide you to make healthy food choices.

 I am currently looking for 5 Mamas to work with me online for 60 days.

The registration cart is now open. I only take on a limited number of Mamas online at any one time, so that I can ensure I give Mamas the most personalised service possible.

Normally $530 but for a limited time get 25% off - $397

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